The Monarch Smarti Mobility Scooter has been cleverly designed with a remote control folding and unfolding mechanism! Simply press the open button on the remote control fob and the Monarch Smarti Mobility Scooter will unfold to a 'ready to use' position. Press the close button and will automatically fold back into the storage position.
This scooter's compact design, similar to the Mobie and Genie mobility scooter, makes this one of the easiest scooters to get in and out of a car boot. Powerful Lithium battery gives an excellent range of up to 10 miles.
A newly designed tiller and seat mean the Smarti is comfortable like a larger scooter whilst maintaining the compact easy to use design. The adjustable speed dial means that you can go as fast or as slow as you want, be that someone's walking speed or as fast as you feel comfortable.
With adjustable speed, this incredible compact scooter is not only easily stored and transported but also has an incredible “Remote Control” opening and closing action. No more bending over to unfasten clips and pull levers, just push a button on the key fob and watch the Smarti unfold effortlessly in front of you!
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